Nel 2015, riconoscendo il ruolo fondamentale e insostituibile dell'Open Access (OA) nello sviluppo della ricerca scientifica, l'Istituto Italiano di Antropologia ha aderito alla Dichiarazione di Berlino per l'Open Science. Coerentemente, sono state sviluppate e adottate una serie di regole e raccomandazioni per incoraggiare l'OA alle pubblicazioni e ai dati. Tutte le azioni svolte per questi scopi fanno parte dell'iniziativa OASIS (Open Access Institutes, Destro Bisol et al., JASs 2014).
*Autori con affiliazione ISItA; ** Contributo da parte dell'ISItA
Autelli, E., Caria, M., & Imperiale, R. (2024). Le varietà storiche minoritarie in Italia. Vol. 1 L’Italia settentrionale**. Linguistik Online, 130, [index of the volume] .
*Capocasa M, Battaggia C, *Destro Bisol G, Cancellieri E, Bouchim N, Di Lernia S, *Anagnostou P. 2024. Mitochondrial DNA variation of southern Tunisian populations**. Human Biology, 94: 127-140 [post-print].
*Capocasa M, Venier D. 2024. Food, culture and health: An anthropological perspective. Anthropology Today 40:15-18 [pre-print].
*Capocasa M, Venier D. 2024. A bio-cultural tale of the past, present and future of human nutrition**. Journal of Anthropological Sciences 102: 87-104. [full text]
*Destro Bisol G, Autelli E, *Capocasa M & Caria M (ed.) 2024. Gli Italiani che non conosciamo. Lingue, DNA e percorsi delle comunità storiche minoritarie. Istituto Italiano di Antropologia & Edicions de l'Alguer, 376 pp.
*Destro Bisol G, Autelli E, *Capocasa M & Caria M 2024 The importance of hidden stories. Journal of Anthropological Sciences 102: 3-5. [full text]
Nazari V, Pungetti G, Hong SK, Belardinelli S, *Destro Bisol G & Pievani D. 2024. Island biocultural diversity in the Mediterranean: the case study of Sardinia. Regional Environmental Change, 24:143 [full text].
*Capocasa M, *Anagnostou P, *Destro Bisol G. 2023. COVID-19 e l’accesso aperto alla letteratura scientifica: una lezione per il futuro della biomedicina. In Orsi M, Paura R (Eds) Pandemie & Infodemie. Un manuale per il futuro. Editoriale Romani, Savona, pp. 71-84.
*Capocasa M, Venier D, 2023. Nutrizione umana, evoluzione biologica e disinformazione scientifica. Le Scienze Naturali nella Scuola 68(1): 47-57.
*Capocasa M, Venier D. 2023. Nutrition, evolution, misinformation. HAL Open Science. [full text]
*Capocasa M, Venier D. 2023. Opening scientific knowledge to debunk myths and lies in human nutrition. European Journal of Nutrition 62: 3447-3449. [full text]
*Capocasa M, Venier D, 2023. Open access publishing and public literacy in human nutrition. Journal of Brief Ideas. [link]
*Capocasa M, Battaggia C, *Destro Bisol G, Cancellieri E, Bouchim N, Di Lernia S, *Anagnostou P. 2023. Mitochondrial DNA variation of southern Tunisian populations**. Human Biology, [pre-print].
D’Atanasio E, Risi F, Ravasini F, Montinaro F, Hajiesmaeil N, Bonucci B, Pistacchia L, Amoako-Sakyi D, Bonito M, Onidi S, Colombo G, Semino O, *Destro Bisol G, Anagnostou P, et al. 2023. The genomic echoes of the last Green Sahara on the Fulani and Sahelian people. Current Biology, 33: P5495-5504.E4. [link]
Nazari V, Belardinelli S, Pieroni A, Motti R, Chiarucci A, *Destro Bisol G, Vacchiano G, Bortolini E, Mezzovilla M, Graffa L, Pievani TD (2023) Biocultural Diversity in Italy. Human Ecology, 51: 1263–1275. [full text]
*Anagnostou P, Montinaro F, Sazzini M, Di Vincenzo F & *Destro Bisol G. 2022. From the Alps to the Mediterranean and beyond: genetics, environment, culture and the "impossible beauty" of Italy. Journal of Anthropological Sciences 100: 267-294 [full text]
*Destro Bisol G. 2022. La diversità umana tra biologia e cultura. Manuale di Antropologia. Evoluzione e Biodiversità umana (pp.389-395), Utet Università.
*Destro Bisol G, Sazzini M. 2022. Storia, cultura, ambiente: la diversità genetica delle popolazioni italiane. Manuale di Antropologia. Evoluzione e Biodiversità umana (pp.407-416), Utet Università.
*Destro Bisol G, *Anagnostou P & *Capocasa M. 2022. La green road, un’opportunità unica per il libero accesso al sapere biomedico. Scienza in Rete [full text].
*Capocasa M, Anagnostou P & *Destro Bisol G. 2022. A light in the dark: open access to medical literature and the COVID-19 pandemic**. Information Research 27, paper 929 [full text].
*Capocasa M, Anagnostou P & *Destro Bisol G. 2022. COVID-19 e l’accesso aperto alla letteratura scientifica: una lezione per il futuro della biomedicina**. FUTURI, in corso di stampa.
*Destro Bisol G, *Anagnostou P & *Capocasa M. 2022. How can we get more open access to medical studies? Simple, let’s take the green road. Current Medical Research & Opinion 38:1555-1557 [full text].
*Anagnostou P, *Capocasa M, Brisighelli F, Battaggia C & *Destro Bisol G. 2021. **The emerging complexity of data sharing: assessing intelligent data openness in genomic anthropology and human genomics**. Journal of Anthropological Sciences, 99:135-152.
*Destro Bisol G. Oltre le razze: nozioni e idee sulla diversità umana (pp 65-82). Alle radici dell'intolleranza, la responsabilità dell'informazione. CSV Lazio.
*Destro Bisol G., *Capocasa M. 2021. Editing genomico, Siddartha e altre storie, in: Dolly compie 25 anni, la tecnca e il prodotto della tecnica (M. Monti e C. Redi eds). Edizioni Ibis, Como-Pavia.
Pagani L, *Destro Bisol G. 2021. Next questions in Molecular Anthropology. Journal of Anthropological Sciences, 99:157-158 [early view]
*Anagnostou P. Dominici V, Battaggia C, Boukhchim N, Ben Nasr J, Boussoffara R, Cancellieri E, Marnaoui M, Marzouki M, Haj Brahim HB, Rass MB, di Lernia S & *Destro Bisol G. Berbers and Arabs: Tracing the genetic diversity and history of Southern Tunisia through genome wide analysis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 173:697-708 [early view]
*Capocasa M, Anagnostou P & Destro Bisol G. 2020. Why (and how) Covid-19 could get us closer to the "health information for all" goal. Medrxive [preprint]
*Capocasa M, *Rufo F. 2020. Le biobanche di ricerca e l’accessibilità alle loro risorse biologiche. L’ Arco di Giano – Rivista di Medical Humanities 103: 135-150. [post-print]
*Capocasa M, *Anagnostou P & *Destro Bisol G. Salute umana e accesso aperto ai risultati della ricerca biomedica: la lezione del COVID-19. Le Scienze Naturali nella Scuola n. 63. In corso di stampa.
Della Rocca C, Cannone F, D'Atanasio E, Bonito M, *Anagnostou P, Russo G, Barni F, Alladio E, *Destro-Bisol G, Trombetta B, Berti A, Cruciani F. Ethnic fragmentation and degree of urbanization strongly affect the discrimination power of Y-STR haplotypes in central Sahel. Forensic Science International Genetics, 21;49:102374. [early view]
*Destro Bisol G. 2020. Reshaping the flagship initiatives of the Italian Institute of Anthropology in the new pandemic world. Journal of Anthropological Sciences 98: 1-5. [full text]
*Destro Bisol G, *Anagnostou P & *Capocasa M. 2020. Una piccola luce in fondo al tunnel: il COVID-19 e l’accesso alle conoscenze scientifiche. Cellule e genomi XVII corso. I corsi dell'Open Lab (Redi CA e Monti M eds). Ibis, Como-Pavia. pp. 129-140.
*Anagnostou P, Dominici V, Battaggia C, Lisi A, Sarno S, Boattini A, Calò C, Francalacci P, Vona G, Tofanelli S, Vilar MG, Colonna V, Pagani L, *Destro Bisol G. **Inter-individual genomic heterogeneity within European population isolates. PLoS One, 14: e0214564. [publisher’s pdf]
Bruner E., Di Vincenzo F. & Manzi G. 2019. **The circle of Gánovce: natural history of an endocast. Journal of Anthropological Sciences 97: 135-138. [publisher’s pdf]
*Capocasa M, Fytanidis G, Masedu F, Danubio ME, 2019. Height trends in males and females from the island of Crete and its prefectures at the turn of the 20th century. Anthropological Notebooks 25(3): 41-53. [publisher's pdf]
*Capocasa M, Rufo F, 2019. Scientists, citizens and goods. Current Science 117(5): 737-738. [publisher’s pdf]
*Capocasa M, Volpi L. The ethics of investigating cultural and genetic diversity of minority groups. Homo – Journal of Comparative Human Biology 70:233-244. [post-print]
*Destro Bisol G., *Danubio M.E., Magistrelli A., Greco P., *Pavanello M. & Gagliasso E. A new Italian manifesto against racism. Nature 566, 455. [publisher’s pdf]
Pereira-Pedro A.S., Beaudet A. & Bruner E. 2019. **Parietal lobe variation in cercopithecid endocasts. American Journal of Primatology 81: e23025. [post-print]
Bruner E. 2018. **Human paleoneurology and the evolution of the parietal cortex. Brain Behaviour and Evolution 91: 136-147. [post-print]
D'Atanasio E, Trombetta B, Bonito M, Finocchio A, Di Vito G, Seghizzi M, Romano R, Russo G, Paganotti GM, Watson E, Coppa A, *Anagnostou P, Dugoujon JM, Moral P, Sellitto D, Novelletto A, Cruciani F. 2018. The peopling of the last Green Sahara revealed by high-coverage resequencing of trans-Saharan patrilineages. Genome Biology 19(1):20. [publisher’s pdf]
*Destro Bisol G., Danubio M.E., Magistrelli A., Greco P., Pavanello M. & Gagliasso E. 2018. The Manifesto of Human Diversity and Unity, eighty years after the Italian racial laws. Journal of Anthropological Sciences 96:1-5. [publisher’s pdf]
*Capocasa M, Dominici V, Rufo F, 2018. Research biobanks: a two-faced future. South African Journal of Science 114: 30-32. [publisher's pdf]
Fiorenza L. & Bruner E. 2018. **Cranial shape variation in adult howler monkeys (Alouatta seniculus). American Journal of Primatology, 80: e22729. [post-print]
Serventi, P., Panicucci, C., Bodega, R., Fanti, S. D., Sarno, S., Alvarez, M. F., Brisighelli, F., Trombetta, B., **Anagnostou, P., Ferri, G., Vazzana, A., Delpino, C., Gruppioni, G., Luiselli, D. & Cilli, 2018. E. Iron Age Italic population genetics: the Piceni from Novilara (8th–7th century BC). Annals of Human Biology 45, 34–43.
*Anagnostou P, Capocasa M, Coia V & *Destro Bisol G. 2017. Evaluating mtDNA patterns of genetic isolation using a resampling procedure: a case study on Italian populations. Annals of Human Biology, 44: 140-148. [publisher’s pdf].
*Anagnostou P, Dominici V, Battaggia C, Pagani L, Vilar MG, Wells RS, Pettener D, Sarno S, Boattini A, Francalacci P, Colonna V, The Genographic Consortium, Vona G, Calò CM, *Destro Bisol G and Tofanelli S. 2017. Overcoming the Dichotomy: New Insights into the Genomic Diversity of Open and Isolated European Populations. Scientific Reports, 7, 41614. [publisher’s pdf]
Bruner E. 2017. **The Fossil Evidence of Human Brain Evolution. In: Kaas, J (ed.), Evolution of Nervous Systems 2e. vol. 4, pp. 63–92. Oxford: Elsevier.
Bruner E., Bondioli L., Coppa A., Frayer D.W., Holloway R.L., Libsekal Y., Medin T., Rook L. & Macchiarelli R. 2016. **The endocast of the one-million-year-old human cranium from Buia (UA 31), Danakil Eritrea. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 160:458–468. [post-print]
Bruner E., Pereira-Pedro A.S. & Bastir M. 2017. **Patterns of morphological integration between parietal and temporal areas in the human skull. Journal of Morphology 278: 1312-1320. [post-print]
*Capocasa M, *Anagnostou P, *Destro Bisol G, 2017. Come i fattori culturali ci aiutano a leggere la diversità genetica delle popolazioni italiane. In Marchetti Lungarotti MG, Scienza A (Eds.) Il vino e la vite come paradigma della diversità culturale tra oriente e occidente. Fondazione Lungarotti Onlus, Torgiano, pp. 41-52.
**Destro Bisol G., Allovio S., Danubio M.E., Papa C. Anthropologists, Italians and "human races". 2017. Journal of Anthropological Sciences 95: 291-297. [publisher’s pdf]
*Montinaro F, Busby GBJ, Gonzalez-Santos M, Oosthuitzen O, Oosthuitzen E, *Anagnostou P, *Destro-Bisol G, Pascali VL & Capelli C. 2017. Complex Ancient Genetic Structure and Cultural Transitions in Southern African Populations. Genetics 205:303-316. [publisher's pdf ]
*Bruner E & Iriki A. 2016. Extending mind, visuospatial integration, and the evolution of the parietal lobes in the human genus. Quaternary International 405: 98-110 . [post-print]
Bruner E., Lozano M. & Lorenzo C. 2016. **Visuospatial integration and human evolution: the fossil evidence. Journal of Anthropological Sciences 94: 81-97. [publisher’s pdf]
*Capocasa M, *Anagnostou P, D’Abramo F, *Matteucci G, *Dominici V, *Destro Bisol G & *Rufo F. 2016. Samples and data accessibility in research biobanks: an explorative survey. PeerJ, 4:e1613. [publisher's pdf]
*Capocasa M, McCuen Virginia, Venier B, Rufo Fabrizio. 2016. Between universal and local: Towards an evolutionary anthropology of emotions. Anthropological Notebooks 22: 31–42. [publisher's pdf].
*Capocasa M, Danubio ME, Rufo F, 2016a. L’influenza dei fattori socio-culturali sull’apprendimento scolastico: un caso-studio sull’evoluzionismo. Rivista Centro Studi Città della Scienza. [online article]
*Capocasa M, Marcari V, D'Arcangelo E, Danubio ME, Rufo F, 2016b. L’influenza dei fattori socio-culturali sull’apprendimento scolastico. Le Scienze Web New. [online article].
Coia V, Cipollini G, *Anagnostou P, Maixner F, Battaggia C, Brisighelli F, Gómez-Carballa A, *Destro Bisol G, A. Salas A & Zink A. 2016. Whole mitochondrial DNA sequencing in Alpine populations and the genetic history of the Neolithic Tyrolean Iceman. Scientific Reports 6, 18932. [publisher's pdf]
Pereira-Pedro A.S. & Bruner E. 2016. **Sulcal pattern, extension, and morphology of the precuneus in adult humans. Annals of Anatomy 208: 85–93. [post-print]
Rangel de Lázaro G, de la Cuétara JM, Píšová H, Lorenzo C & Bruner E. 2016. Diploic vessels and computed tomography: Segmentation and comparison in modern humans and fossil hominids**. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 159:313-24. doi: 10.1002/ajpa.22878 . [post-print]
*Anagnostou P, *Capocasa M, Milia N, Sanna E, Battaggia C. Luzi D, & *Destro-Bisol G. When data sharing gets close to 100%: what human Paleogenetics can teach the Open Science movement. PLoS ONE 10: e0121409. [publisher's pdf]
*Bruner E. & Lozano M. 2015. Three hands: one year later**. Journal of Anthropological Sciences 93: 191-195. [publisher's pdf]
*Bruner E., Amano H., de la Cuétara J.M. & Ogihara N. 2015. The brain and the braincase: a spatial analysis on the mipddsagittal profile in adult humans**. Journal of Anatomy 227: 268-276. [post-print]
*Bruner E, Grimaud-Hervé D, Wu X, de la Cuetara JM & Holloway R. A paleoneurological survey of Homo erectus endocranial metrics. Quaternary International, 368: 80–87. [post-print]
*Bruner E, Roman Fj, De La Cuetara JM, Martin-Loeches M & Colom R. 2015. Cortical surface area and cortical thickness in the precuneus of adult human. Neuroscience 286:345–352. [post-print]
Busby GB, Hellenthal G, Montinaro F, Tofanelli S, Bulayeva K, Rudan I, Zemunik T, Hayward C, Toncheva D, Karachanak-Yankova S, Nesheva D, *Anagnostou P et al. The Role of Recent Admixture in Forming the Contemporary West Eurasian Genomic Landscape. Current Biology, S0960-9822(15)00949-5, [publisher's pdf]
*Capocasa M, D’Abramo F, *Rufo F, *Anagnostou P, *Destro Bisol G, 2015. Sharing standards before sharing resources? The case of research biobanks. Journal of Brief Ideas . [online article]
Capocasa M, Marcari V, D’Arcangelo E, Danubio ME, Rufo F, 2015. Evaluation of socio-cultural factors in the learning of human evolution in the urban context of Rome. Anthropological Notebooks 21(2):91-96. [publisher's pdf]
*Destro Bisol G, *Danubio ME*.Danubio ME. Our diversity and the Italian Constitution: do we really need human races? Journal of Anthropological Sciences, 93: III-VI. . doi: 10.4436/JASS.93010 [publisher's pdf]
*Destro Bisol G, *Danubio ME*. Razze umane e Costituzione. Le Scienze 559, 12-13. [online article]
González-Santos M, Montinaro F, Oosthuizen O, Oosthuizen E, Busby GB, *Anagnostou P, *Destro-Bisol G et al. Genome-Wide SNP Analysis of Southern African Populations Provides New Insights into the Dispersal of Bantu-Speaking Groups. Genome Biology and Evolution, 7:2560-8. [publisher's pdf]
Hallast P, Batini C, Zadik D, Maisano Delser P, Wetton JH, Arroyo-Pardo E, Cavalleri GL, de Knijff P, *Destro Bisol G, et al. The Y-Chromosome Tree Bursts into Leaf: 13,000 High-Confidence SNPs Covering the Majority of Known Clades. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 32:661-73. [publisher's pdf]
*Bruner E, Rangel de Lázaro G, de la Cuétara JM, Martin-Loeches M, Colom R, Jacobs, H. 2014. Midsagittal brain variation and shape analysis of the precuneus in adult humans. Journal of Anatomy 224:367-376. [post-print]
*Bruner E. 2014. Functional craniology, human evolution, and anatomical constraints in the Neanderthal braincase, in Dynamics of Learning in Neanderthals and Modern Humans. Vol. 2 Cognitive and Physical Perspectives, eds. T. Akazawa, N. Ogihara, H. C. Tanabe, and H. Terashima (Springer, pp 121-129).
*Capocasa M, *Anagnostou P, Bachis V, Battaggia C, Bertoncini S, Biondi G, Boattini A, Boschi I, Brisighelli F, Calò CM, Carta M, Coia V, Corrias L, Crivellaro F, Dominici V, Ferri G, Francalacci P. Franceschi ZA, Luiselli D, Morelli D, Rickards O, Robledo R, Sanna D, Sanna E, Sarno S, Tofanelli S, Vona, Pettener D & *Destro Bisol G. Linguistic, geographic and genetic isolation: a collaborative study on Italian populations. Journal of Anthropological Sciences, 92: 201-231. [publisher's pdf]
*Capocasa M, Taglioli L, *Anagnostou P, Paoli G &*Danubio ME. Determinants of marital behaviour in five Apennine communities of Central Italy inferred by surname analysis, repeated pairs and kinship estimates. Homo, 65: 64-74. [post-print]
*Destro Bisol G, *Anagnostou P, *Capocasa M, Bencivelli S, Cerroni A, Contreras J, Enke N, Fantini B, Greco P, Heeney C, Luzi D, Manghi P, Mascalzoni D, Molloy J, Parenti F, Wicherts JM & G Boulton. Perspectives on open science and scientific data sharing: an interdisciplinary workshop. Journal of Anthropological Sciences, 92:179-200 . [publisher's pdf]
*Destro Bisol G, *Anagnostou P, *Capocasa M. Cooperazione e condivisione nella ricerca scientifica. Scienza e Società, 17/18: 1-15. [pre-print]
*Destro Bisol G, *Anagnostou P, *Bruner E, *Capocasa M, Canali S, Danubio ME, di Vincenzo F, Fantini B, Greco P, Moggi Cecchi J, Parenti F, Pavanello M, Pettener D, Pievani T, Saracino B, Rufo F, Sanna E, Vargiu R & Vona G. Open data, Science and Society: launching Oasis, the flagship initiative of the Istituto Italiano di Antropologia. Journal of Anthropological Sciences, 92:I-IV. [publisher's pdf]
Hellenthal G, Busby GB, Band G, Wilson JF, Capelli C, Falush D & Myers S. A genetic atlas of human admixture history**. Science. 2014 Feb 14;343(6172):747-751. [PubMed Central free full text]
*Anagnostou P, Battaggia C, *Capocasa M, Boschi I, Brisighelli F, Batini C, Spedini G and *Destro-Bisol G. Re-evaluating a model of gender biased gene flow between sub-Saharan hunter gatherers and farmers. Human Biology, 85:581-590.
Anagnostou P, Capocasa M, Destro Bisol G, 2013. "Opening Science to Society": educare alla condivisione. Scienza in rete. [Scienza in rete]
Anagnostou P, Capocasa M, Destro Bisol G, 2013. Opening Science to Society: learning to sharing. Scienza in rete. [Scienza in rete]
*Anagnostou P, *Capocasa M, Milia N and *Destro-Bisol G. Research data sharing: Lessons from forensic genetics. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 7(6): e117-119.[]
*Bruner E. 2012. The Species Concept as a Cognitive Tool for Biological Anthropology. American Journal of Human Biology, 75(1):10-5. [post-print]
*Bruner E. & Jacobs HIL. Alzheimer’s Disease: The Downside of a Highly Evolved Parietal Lobe? Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. 2013. 35: 227–240. [post-print]
*Bruner E. & Pearson OJ. Neurocranial evolution in modern humans: the case of Jebel Irhoud 1. 2013. Anthropological Science, 121:31–41.[post-print]
*Capocasa M, *Anagnostou P, Milia N, Battaggia C, Coia V, Danubio ME, Rufo F, Sanna E & *Destro Bisol G, 2013. Opening Science to Society: an interdisciplinary initiative for data sharing. MapPapers 1-III:37-38 (doi:10.4456/MAPPA.2013.17); Opening the Past 2013, 13-15 giugno 2013, Pisa. [publisher's pdf] [post-print]
*Capocasa M, *Anagnostou P, Battaggia C, *Destro Bisol G, 2013. Omogeneità culturale e peculiarità genetiche della comunità alpina di Timau. Asou Geats 72:6-7.
*Capocasa M, *Anagnostou P, Milia N, Sanna E & *Destro Bisol G. 2013. La condivisione dei dati scientifici: una priorità per la comunità scientifica. Biologi Italiani, 10: 55-60.
*Capocasa M, Battaggia C, *Anagnostou P, Montinaro F, Boschi I, Ferri G, Alù M, Coia V, Crivellaro F & *Destro-Bisol G. 2013. Detecting genetic isolation in human populations: a study of European language minorities. PLoS One. 7(6): e37552. [publisher's pdf]
Coia V, *Capocasa M, *Anagnostou P, Pascali V, Scarnicci F, Boschi I, Battaggia C, Crivellaro F, Ferri G, Alù M, Brisighelli F, Busby GBJ, Capelli C, Maixner F, Cipollini G, Viazzo PP, Zink A and *Destro-Bisol G. Demographic histories, isolation and social factors as determinants of the genetic structure of Alpine linguistic groups.** Plos One, e81704. [publisher's pdf]
*Destro Bisol G, *Anagnostou P & *Capocasa M, 2013. Scientific data sharing: ricerca e open science, un workshop. Scienza in rete. [online article]
*Destro Bisol G, *Capocasa M, *Anagnostou P, Greco P. 2013. Opening Science to Society, a new initiative of the Istituto Italiano di Antropologia. Journal of Anthropological Sciences, 91: 233-235. [publisher's pdf]
*Fantini B, *Destro Bisol G & Rufo F (a cura di). 2013. Una prospettiva evolutiva sulle emozioni, da Charles Darwin alle neuroscienze**. Edizioni ETS, Pisa.
Martin-Loeches M, *Bruner E & Manuel de la Cuetara J & Colom R. 2013. Correlation between corpus callosum shape and cognitive performance in healthy young adults**. Brain Structure and Function, 218:721-731.
Montano V, Marcari V, Pavanello M, Anyaele O, Comas O, *Destro-Bisol G, Batini C. 2013. Patterns of female migration in Central and Western Africa. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 29;13(1):24. [publisher's pdf]
*Rufo F, *Capocasa M, *Marcari M, D’arcangelo E & *Danubio ME. Knowledge of evolution and human diversity: a study among high school students of Rome, Italy. Evolution: Education and Outreach, 6:19. [publisher's pdf]
Battaggia C, Anagnostou P, Boschi I, Brisighelli F, Destro-Bisol G and Capocasa M. Detecting sex-biased gene flow in African Americans through the analysis of intra and inter-population variation at mtDNA and Y chromosome. Balkan Journal of Medical Genetics, 15:7–34. [publisher's pdf]
*Bruner E, De La Cuetara MJ, Colom R & Martin-Loeches M. Gender-based differences in the shape of the human corpus callosum are associated with allometric variations**. Journal of Anatomy, 220:417–421, [post-print]
*Bruner E, De La Cuetara MJ & Musso F. 2012. Quantifying Patterns of Endocranial Heat Distribution: Brain Geometry and Thermoregulation**. American Journal of Human Biology, 24(6):753-62. [post-print]
Busby GB, Brisighelli F, Sánchez-Diz P, Ramos-Luis E, Martinez-Cadenas C, Thomas MG, Bradley DG, Gusmão L, Winney B, Bodmer W, Vennemann M, Coia V, Scarnicci F, Tofanelli S, Vona G, Ploski R, Vecchiotti C, Zemunik T, Rudan I, Karachanak S, Toncheva D, *Anagnostou P, Ferri G, Rapone C, Hervig T, Moen T, Wilson JF, Capelli C. The peopling of Europe and the cautionary tale of Y chromosome lineage R-M269. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, 279:884-892. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.1044.
*Capocasa M, *Anagnostou P, Battaggia C, *Destro Bisol G, 2012. Il patrimonio genetico dei Cimbri della Lessinia, uno studio interdisciplinare. Cimbri/Tzimbar 47 (ISSN: 1122-4347).
Coia V, Montinaro F, Grimaldi S, Boschi I, *Destro-Bisol G, Pedrotti ML. Evidence of high genetic variation among linguistically diverse populations on a micro-geographic scale: a case study of the Italian Alps. Journal of Human Genetics, 57:254-60.
Congiu A, Anagnostou P, Milia N, Capocasa M, Montinaro F & *Destro-Biso G. 2012. Online databases for mtDNA and Y chromosome polymorphisms in human populations. Journal of Anthropological Sciences, 90: 201-215. [publisher's pdf]
Danubio ME, Sanna E, Rufo F, Martorella D, Vecchi E, Coppa A. 2012.Microgeographic differentiation in historical Yemen inferred by morphometric distances. Human Biology, 84(2):153-67. doi: 10.3378/027.084.0204.
*Destro-Bisol G , Capocasa M, Anagnostou P. 2012. When sex matters: new insights into the relationships between social systems and the genetic structure of human populations. Molecular Ecology. 21: 4917–4920. [publisher's pdf]
Milia M, Congiu A, *Anagnostou P, *Montinaro F, Capocasa M, Sanna E, *Destro-Bisol G. Mine, yours, ours? sharing data on human genetic variation. Plos One, 7(6): e37552. [publisher's pdf]
Milia M, Congiu A, *Anagnostou P, *Montinaro F, Capocasa M, Sanna E, *Destro-Bisol G. Mio, tuo o nostro? Uno studio sulla condivisione dei dati scientifici in Genetica Umana. 2012. Le Scienze Web News.[online article]
Montinaro F, Boschi I, Trombetta F, Merigioli S, Anagnostou P, Battaggia C, Capocasa C, Crivellaro F, *Destro-Bisol G, Coia V. 2012. Using forensic microsatellites to decipher the genetic structure of linguistic and geographic isolates: a survey in the eastern Italian Alps**. Forensic Science International Genetics. 6: 827–833. doi: 10.1016/j.fsigen.2012.04.001.
Veeramah K, Wegmann D, Woerner A, Mendez FL, Watkins C, *Destro-Bisol G, Soodyall H, Louie L & Hammer MF. An early divergence of KhoeSan ancestors from those of other modern humans is supported by an ABC-based analysis of autosomal re-sequencing data. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 29: 617-30. [publisher's pdf]
Batini C, Ferri G, *Destro-Bisol G, Brisighelli F, Luiselli D, Sánchez-Diz P, Rocha J, Simonson T, Brehm A, Montano V, Elwali NE, *Spedini G, Eugenia D'Amato M, Myres N, Ebbesen P, Comas D, Capelli C. 2011. Signatures of the pre-agricultural peopling processes in sub-Saharan Africa as revealed by the phylogeography of early Y chromosome lineages. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 28:2603-2613. [publisher's pdf]
Batini C, Lopes J, Behar D, Calafell F, Jorde L, van der Veen L, Quintana-Murci L, *Spedini G, *Destro-Bisol G, Comas D. 2011. Insights into the demographic history of African Pygmies from complete mitochondrial genomes. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 28:1099-1110. [publisher's pdf]
*Bruner E, Mantini S, Musso F, de la Cuétara J M, Ripani M & Sherkat S. 2011. The evolution of the meningeal vascular system in the human genus: from brain shape to thermoregulation. American Journal of Human Biology. 23:35-43.
Cruciani F, Trombetta B, Massaia A, *Destro-Bisol G, Sellitto D, Scozzari R. 2011. A revised root for the human y chromosomal phylogenetic tree: the origin of patrilineal diversity in Africa. American Journal of Human Genetics, 88:814-818. [publisher’s pdf]
Danubio ME, Martorella D, Rufo F, Vecchi E, Sanna E. 2011. Morphometric distances among five ethnic groups and evaluation of the secular trend in historical Libya. Journal of Anthropological Sciences;89:127-38. [publisher’s pdf]
Montano V, Ferri G, Marcari V, Batini C, Anyaele O, *Destro-Bisol G, Comas D. 2011 The Bantu expansion revisited: a new analysis of Y chromosome variation in Central Western Africa. Molecular Ecology, 20:2693-2708.
Spínola H, Couto AR, Peixoto MJ, Anagnostou P, *Destro-Bisol G, *Spedini G, Lopéz-Larrea C, Bruges-Armas J. 2011. HLA class-I diversity in Cameroon: evidence for a north-south structure of genetic Annals of Human Genetics, 75:665-677.
Anagnostou P, Coia V, *Spedini G, *Destro-Bisol G. 2010. Mitochondrial, Y-chromosomal and autosomal variation in Mbenzele Pygmies from the Central African Republic. Collegium Antropologicum, 34: 159-166.
*Bruner E. Morphological Differences in the Parietal Lobes within the Human Genus. **Current Anthropology, 51:S77-S88. [post-print]
Cruciani F, Trombetta B, Sellitto D, Massaia A, *Destro-Bisol G., Watson E, Beraud Colomb E, Dugoujon Jm, Moral P, Scozzari R. 2010. Human Y chromosome haplogroup R-V88: a paternal genetic record of early mid Holocene trans-Saharan connections and the spread of Chadic languages. European Journal of Human Genetics, 18: 800-807.
Cruciani F, Trombetta B, Sellitto D, Massaia A, *Destro-Bisol G., Watson E, Beraud Colomb E, Dugoujon Jm, Moral P, Scozzari R. 2010. Reply to Lancaster. European Journal of Human Genetics, June 23, 2010; doi:10.1038/ejhg.2010.89.
*Destro-Bisol G. 2010. Noi e gli "altri": diversità biologica e comportamentale tra l'uomo e gli altri primati. In: L'Evoluzione biologica, esperimenti e teorie a confronto. Comune di Norcia.
*Destro-Bisol G, Jobling MA, Rocha J, Novembre J, Richards M, Mulligan C, Batini C & Manni F. 2010. Molecular Anthropology in the genomic era. Journal of Anthropological Sciences, 88: 95-114. [publisher’s pdf]
Fuselli S, De Filippo C, Mona S, Sistonen J, Fariselli P, *Destro-Bisol G, Barbujani G, Bertorelle G, Sajantila A. Evolution of Detoxifying Systems: the Role of Environment and Population History in Shaping genetic Diversity at Human CYP2D6 Locus. Pharmacogenetics And Genomics, 20: 1-10; doi: 10.1097/FPC.0b013e32833bba25.
*Vargiu R, Mancinelli D, Paine R R, Trucco F. 2010. Condizioni di vita e stato di salute a Tarquinia (Viterbo) nella fase iniziale della prima età del Ferro. Atti del Quinto Incontro di Studi "Preistoria e Protostoria in Etruria", Centro Studi di Preistoria e Archeologia, Milano, pp.247-255.
Anagnostou P., Battaggia C., Coia V., Capelli C., Fabbri C., Pettener D., *Destro-Bisol G., Luiselli D. 2009. Tracing the distribution and evolution of lactase persistence in southern europe through the study of the T-13910 variant **. American Journal of Human Biology, 21:217-219.
*Bruner E. The evolution of the parietal cortical areas in the human genus: between structure and cognition. In Broadfield D. & Yuhan M. (eds.) Human Brain Evolving: papers in honour of Ralph Holloway. Stone Age Institute.
*Bruner E., *Mantini S., Ripani M. 2009. Landmark-Based Analysis of the Morphological Relationship Between Endocranial Shape and Traces of the Middle Meningeal Vessels. The Anatomical Record, 292:518-527.
Coia V., Brisighelli F., Donati F., Spedini G. Pascali V., Cagli A., Boschi I., Luiselli D., Battaggia C., Batini C., Taglioli L., Paoli G., *Capelli C., *Destro-Bisol G. 2009. A multi-perspective view of genetic variation in Cameroon. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, DOI 10.1002/ajpa.21088.
*Destro-Bisol G., Ariano C. A simple home-made apparatus for real-time visualization of nucleic acid electrophoresis, which saves time, optimizes separation and reduces chemical risk. Clinical Chemistry, 55:1436-1438.
Gippoliti S. 2009. Da Antinori a Zavattari: uno sguardo alle collezioni primatologiche italiane e al loro ruolo per la conservazione della biodiversità. Memorie del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona - 2. Serie. Monografie Naturalistiche, 4:119-122
Gippoliti S. 2009. Primate zoo exhibits: what is their ecological message? International Zoo News, 56: 12-16.
Paine R.R., *Vargiu R., Signoretti C. and Coppa A. 2009. A health assessment for Imperial Roman burials recovered from the Necropoli. of San Donato and Bivio CH, Urbino, Italy. Journal of Anthropological Sciences. 87:193-210. [publisher’s pdf]
Ronai Z, Witt H, Rickards O., *Destro-Bisol G. Bradbury A.R.M., Toth S.M. 2009. A common African polymorphism abolishes tyrosine sulfation of human anionic trypsinogen (PRSS2). Biochemical Journal, 418:155-161.
*Bruner E. Comparing endocranial form and shape differences in modern humans and Neandertal: a geometric approach. Paleoanthropology 2008:93-106.
*Bruner E.& Sherkat S. The middle meningeal artery: from clinics to fossils **. Child Nervous System. 2008. 24:1289-1298. [post-print]
Cox M. P., F. L. Mendez, T. M. Karafet, M. M. Pilkington, S. B. Kingan, *Destro-Bisol G, B. I. Strassmann, and M. F. Hammer. Testing for Archaic Hominin Admixture on the X Chromosome: Model Likelihoods for the Modern Human RRM2P4 Region From Summaries of Genealogical Topology Under the Structured Coalescent. Genetics 2008 178: 427- 437.
*Destro Bisol G., Anagnostou P., Batini C., Battaggia C., Bertoncini S., Bottini A., Caciagli L., Caló C.M., Capelli C., Capocasa M., Castrì L., Ciani G., Coia V., Corrias L., Crivellaro F., Ghiani M.E., Luiselli D., Mela C., Melis A., Montano V., Paoli G., Sanna E., Rufo F., Spazzini M., Taglioli L., Tofanelli S., Useli A., Vona G. & Pettener D. 2008. Italian isolates today: geographic and linguistic factors shaping human biodiversity **. Journal of Anthropological Sciences, 86: 179-188. [publisher’s pdf]
Pilkington M.M., Wilder J.A., Mendez F.L., Cox M.P., Woerner A., Angui T., Kingan S., Mobasher Z., Batini C., *Destro-Bisol G., Soodyall H., Strassmann B.I. & Hammer M.F. 2008. Contrasting signatures of population growth for mitochondrial and Y chromosomes among human populations in Africa. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 25: 517-525
*Vargiu R., Paine R.R. 2008. Reconstructing the health pattern for the agora church burials. In E. Equini Schneider, e C. Morselli (eds.): Elaiussa Sebaste III. Il complesso dell'agora e della basilica bizantina. L'Erma di Bretschneider, Roma. In press.
*Vargiu R., Cucina A., Mancinelli D., Lucci M., Coppa A. 2008. Condizioni di vita e paleonutrizione a Roma nella seconda metà del '400. In: Gli scavi di san Lorenzo in Damaso. De Luca Editore, Roma. In press.
*Bruner E & Manzi G. 2007. Landmark-Based Shape Analysis of the archaic Homo calvarium from Ceprano (Italy). American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 132: 355-356
*Bruner E. Cranial shape and size variation in human evolution: structural and functional perspectives. Child´s Nervous System 23: 1357-1365. [post-print]
Batini C, Coia V, Battaggia C, Rocha J, Pilkington MM, *Spedini G, Comas D, *Destro-Bisol G & Calafell F. 2006. Phylogeography of the human mitochondrial L1c haplogroup: genetic signatures of the prehistory of Central Africa. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 43: 635-644
Caramelli D, Lalueza-Fox C, Capelli C*, Lari M, Sampietro ML, Gigli E, Milani L, Pilli E, Guimaraes S, Chiarelli B, Marin VT, Casoli A, Stanyon R, Bertranpetit J, Barbujani G. Genetic analysis of the skeletal remains attributed to Francesco Petrarca. Forensic Science International 2007, 173: 36-40.
*Gippoliti S. 2007. Chi ha paura della biodiversità?. La Nuova Museologia. 17: 39-40.
*Gippoliti S. 2007. A note on the identification of a Nigerian chimpanzee Pan troglodytes vellerosus (Gray, 1862) in captivity. International Zoo News. 54: 282-286
*Gippoliti S, Kitchener A C. 2007. The Italian zoological gardens and their role in mammal systematic studies, conservation biology and museum collections. Hystrix 18: 173-184.
*Gippoliti S., & Amori G. 2007. The problem of subspecies and biased taxonomy in conservation lists: the case of mammals. Folia Zoologica 56: 113-117.
*Gippoliti S. & *Bruner E. 2007. The role of historical research in the study of the primatological collections: case-studies from the Museum of Anthropology "G. Sergi", Rome. Journal of Anthropological Sciences, 85: 157-162. [publisher’s pdf]
*Rufo F., *Destro-Bisol G & *Fantini B. 2007. JASs forum: Ethics and Altruism in the human evolutionary history. Journal of Anthropological Sciences, 85: 221-222. [publisher’s pdf]
Battaggia C, Verginelli F, Palmirotta R, Mariani-Costantini R, Cama A & *Destro-Bisol G. 2006. Variation of the Insulin Receptor Substrate gene (IRS-1) in African Pygmies and Bantus. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 72:108-109.
*Bruner E. 2006. Uno, nessuno, centomila: i mille volti dell'Antropologia Biologica. Antrocom 2:11-16.
*Bruner E 2006. From Verheyen to Bookstein: history of colobids and superimpositions. Journal of Anthropological Sciences 84:147-160. [publisher’s pdf]
*Bruner E, A Pucci & T. Jones 2006. Cranial morphology and anatomy of two adult females of Piliocolobus gordonorum, Matschie 1900 (Udzungwa Red Colobus). Aldrovandia 2:73-78.
*Bruner E, Manzi G & Holloway R. 2006. Krapina and Saccopastore: endocranial morphology in the pre-Wurmian Europeans. Periodicum Biologorum 108: 433-441.
*Bruner E & Manzi G. 2006. Digital tools for the preservation of the human fossil heritage: Ceprano, Saccopastore, and other case studies. Human Evolution 21: 33-44.
*Destro-Bisol G, Battaggia C, Coia V, Batini C & *Spedini G The Western Pygmies from the Central African Republic: new data on autosomal loci. Journal of Anthropological Sciences 84: 161-164. [publisher’s pdf]
*Gippoliti S. 2006. Oscar de Beaux (1879-1955): a noteworthy Italian mammalogist and conservationist. Italian Journal of Zoology 73: 285-289.
*Gippoliti S. 2006. Applied primatology in zoos: history and prospects in the field of wildlife conservation, public awareness and animal welfare. Primate Report 73: 57-71.
*Gippoliti S, Amori G. 2006. Historical data on non-volant mammals in Rome: what do they say about urban environment? Aldrovandia 2: 23-26.
*Gippoliti S, Speranza L. & Amori G. 2006. Percezione degli animali nell?opinione pubblica. Che influenza sulle azioni di conservazione? Le Scienze Naturali nella Scuola. 15: 49-54
*Bruner E, Mantini S, Perna A, Maffei C & Manzi G. 2005. Fractal dimension of the middle meningeal vessels: variation and evolution in Homo erectus, Neanderthals, and modern humans. European Journal of Morphology 42; 217- 224. [post-print]
Coelho M, Luiselli D, Bertorelle G. Lopes A I, Seixas S, *Destro-Bisol G, Rocha J 2005. Microsatellite variation and evolution of human lactase persistence. Human Genetics 117:329-339
Partecipazione a Congressi
*Anagnostou P., Data Sharing in Human Genetic Research: A Two -Path Tale. “Focus on Open Science”, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, May 17, 2018
Dominici V., Battaggia C., Pagani L., Pettener D., Sarno S., Boattini A., Francalacci P., Colonna V., Vona G., Calò C., Tofanelli S., *Destro Bisol G. and *Anagnostou P. Genomic analysis reveals hidden heterogeneity within human population isolates. VII Congresso della Società Italiana di Biologia Evoluzionistica, Roma, 21-31 agosto 2017.
*Anagnostou P, *Capocasa M, Dominici V, Battaggia C, Ebrahimi A & **Destro Bisol G. Genetic and linguistic diversity of Italian populations. Second International & Fourteenth Iranian Genetics Congress. Tehran, May 21-23, 2016
*Anagnostou P, Dominici V, Battaggia C, Pagani L, Vilar MG, Wells RS, Pettener D, Luiselli D, Boattini A, Francalacci P, Calò CM, *Destro Bisol G, Tofanelli S, The Genographic Consortium. The emerging complexity of genomic architecture in human population isolates. 21° CONGRESSO dell’Associazione Antropologica Italiana, Bologna 3-5 settembre 2015.
Coia V, Cipollini G, Anagnostou P, Maixner F, Battaggia C, Brisighelli F, Carballa AG, *Destro Bisol G, Salas A, Zink AR Whole mtdna sequencing in alpine populations and the genetic history of the neolithic tyrolean iceman. 21° CONGRESSO dell’Associazione Antropologica Italiana, Bologna 3-5 settembre 2015.
Montinaro F, Gonzalez-Santos M, Busby G, Oosthuizen O, Oosthuizen E, *Anagnostou P, *Destro-Bisol G, et al. Local ancestry analysis reveals the “hunter-gatherer” structure of southern Africa. 21° CONGRESSO dell’Associazione Antropologica Italiana, Bologna 3-5 settembre 2015.
*Anagnostou P, Capocasa M, Milia N, Sanna E, Luzi D, *Destro-Bisol G. When data sharing gets close to 100%: what ancient human DNA studies can teach to the open science movement . FISV, XIII congress, Pisa 24-27 September 2014.
Coia V, Cipollini G, Battaggia C, Anagnostou P, *Destro Bisol G, Maixner F , Zink A. Modern alpine populations have no maternal lineages related to the Tyrolean Iceman. FISV, XIII congress, Pisa 24-27 September 2014.
*Anagnostou P, *Capocasa M, Milia N, Sanna E, Luzi D, *Destro-Bisol G. Ancient Human Dna: Finally, a research field where data sharing is common practice. ESHE - 4th Annual Meeting, Florence 18-20 September 2014.
Battaggia C, Anagnostou P, *Capocasa M, *Destro Bisol G. Intelligent openness of human genomic data: a pilot study. EMBO Conference on Human evolution in the genomic era: Origins, populations and phenotypes, Leicester 1-4 April 2014.
*Anagnostou P, Capocasa M, Milia N, Battaggia C, Coia V, Danubio ME, Rufo F, Sanna E, *Destro Bisol G, 2013. Opening Science to Society: dalla condivisione dei dati della ricerca alla diffusione del sapere scientifico. Abstract Book XI Convegno Nazionale sulla Comunicazione della Scienza. SISSA Trieste 27-28 June 2013.
*Anagnostou P, Capocasa M, Milia N, Sanna E, Luzi D, Coia V * Destro Bisol G, 2013. Yes we can! Data sharing close to 100% in ancient human DNA studies. GfA 10th International Meeting-Biological Anthropology: prospects and perspectives. 2-6 September 2013, EURAC Bolzano..
*Anagnostou P, Capocasa M, Milia N, Sanna E, Luzi D, *Destro Bisol G, 2013. Data sharing close to 100% in ancient human DNA studies. XX Congresso dell'AAI-Variabilità umana tra passato e presente. 11-13 September 2013, Ferrara. Annali dell'Università di Ferrara. Serie Museografia Scientifica e Naturalistica 9(1): 51. ISSN 1824-2707.
*Capocasa M,* Anagnostou P, Milia N, Battaggia C, Coia V, Danubio ME, Rufo F, Sanna E, *Destro Bisol G, 2013. Opening Science to Society: an interdisciplinary initiative for data sharing. Opening the Past 2013, 13-15 giugno 2013, Pisa.
*Capocasa M, *Rufo F, 2013. L'attualità dell'antropologia pedagogica di Maria Montessori. VI Congresso della Società Italiana delle Storiche, Padova, 14-16 febbraio 2013.
Coia V, *Capocasa M, *Anagnostou P, Scarnicci F, Boschi I, Battaggia C, Crivellaro F, Ferri G, Alù M, Brisighelli F, Capelli C, Maixner F, Cipollini G, Zink A, *Destro Bisol G, 2013. Genes, mountains and cultures: high genetic diversity among and within ethno-linguistic groups in the Alps. GfA 10th International Meeting-Biological Anthropology: prospects and perspectives. 2-6 September 2013, EURAC Bolzano.
Coia V, *Capocasa M, *Anagnostou P, Scarnicci F, Boschi I, Battaggia C, Crivellaro F, Ferri G, Alù M, Brisighelli F, Busby G, Capelli C, Maixner F, Cipollini G, Zink A, *Destro Bisol G, 2013. Cultural, social and genetic variation in the Italian Alps. XX Congresso dell'AAI-Variabilità umana tra passato e presente. 11-13 September 2013, Ferrara. Annali dell'Università di Ferrara. Serie Museografia Scientifica e Naturalistica 9(1):54. ISSN 1824-2707.
Destro Bisol G*. “Condividere e’ bello (e anche utile); il data sharing nella ricerca biologica” (Ted’s Talk, Federazione Italiana delle Scienze della Vita, FISV, 18 novembre 2013, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”)
Montinaro F, Busby GBJ, Marks S, Joubert B, Mwapasa V, Anagnostou P*, Capocasa M, Destro Bisol G*, Oosthuizen O, Oosthuizen E, Pascali V, Hellenthal G, Capelli C, 2013. A genome-wide history of the admixture history of the “Bantu expansion”. 10th Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies (CHaGS), 25-28 June 2013, Liverpool (UK).
Capocasa M, Battaggia C, Anagnostou P, Montinaro F, Arena A, Boschi I, Brisighelli F, Capelli C, Coia V, Rufo F, Crivellaro F, Destro Bisol G, 2012. Genes, mountains and culture: evidence for the impact of ethnicity on the structure of human populations. DNA in Forensics: Exploring the Phylogenies, September 06-08, Innsbruck, Austria.
Coia V, Capocasa M, Scarnicci F, Boschi I, Anagnostou P, Battaggia C, Crivellaro F, Ferri G, Brisighelli F, Busby G, Capelli C, Destro Bisol G, 2012. Y-chromosome variation in geographically and linguistically isolated populations from oriental Alps. DNA in Forensics: Exploring the Phylogenies, September 06-08, Innsbruck, Austria.
Capocasa M, Battaggia C, Anagnostou P, Montinaro F, Arena A, Boschi I, Brisighelli F, Capelli C, Coia V, Rufo F, Crivellaro F, Destro Bisol G, 2012. Detecting signatures of genetic isolation in three small ethno-linguistic groups of the Eastern Italian Alps. II Incontro Giovani Antropologi, Firenze, 13-14 settembre 2012.
Coia V, Capocasa M, Battaggia C, Anagnostou P, Boschi I, Scarnicci F, Ferri G, Capelli C, Busby G, Destro Bisol G, 2012. Y-chromosome variation in geographically and linguistically isolated populations from oriental Alps. II Incontro Giovani Antropologi, Firenze, 13-14 settembre 2012.
Capocasa M, Battaggia C, Anagnostou P, Montinaro F, Arena A, Boschi I, Brisighelli F, Capelli C, Coia V, Rufo F, Crivellaro F, Destro Bisol G, 2012. Cultural homogeneity, ethnic boundaries and genetic diversity among Alpine linguistic islands. XII FISV Congress, Rome, 24th – 27th september 2012.
Capocasa M, Anagnostou P, Bachis V, Battaggia C, Bertoncini S, Boattini A, Boschi I, Brisighelli F, Calò CM, Carta M, Coia V, Corrias L, Crivellaro F, Destro Bisol G, Franceschi ZA, Robledo R, Sanna E, Sarno S, Tofanelli S, Vona G, Pettener D. “Human biodiversity in Italy: micro-evolutionary patterns”, a national collaborative project (PRIN 2009-2011). XII FISV Congress, Rome, 24th – 27th september 2012.
Milia N., Congiu A., Anagnostou P., Montinaro F., Sanna E., *Destro Bisol G. La condivisione dei dati negli studi sulla variabilità genetica umana (comunicazione). XIX Congresso Associazione Antropologica Italiana, Università di Torino, 21- 24 settembre 2011.
Capocasa M., Montinaro F., Battaggia C., Boschi I., Brisighelli F., Capelli C., Busby G., Pascali V.L., Rufo F., Coia V., Crivellaro F., *Destro Bisol G. "Isolation with migration": uno studio microgeografico nelle Alpi italiane (poster). XIX Congresso Associazione Antropologica Italiana, Università di Torino, 21- 24 settembre 2011.
Montinaro F., Merigioli S., Boschi I., Anagnostou P., Capelli C., Brisighelli F., Trombetta F., Battaggia C., Coia V., *Destro Bisol G. Uno studio della struttura genetica in popolazioni umane a livello micro geografico mediante micro satelliti autosomici: implicazioni forensi (comunicazione). XIX Congresso Associazione Antropologica Italiana, Università di Torino, 21- 24 settembre 2011
Nazionale della Società Italiana di Ecologia "Le Scienze Ecologiche Oggi", Sapienza Università di Roma, Aula Magna, Roma, 27-30 settembre 2010.
Montinaro F, Anagnostou P, Coia V, Battaggia C. e *Destro-Bisol G. La Selezione naturale nel Neolitico: Il caso della persistenza della lattasi nelle popolazioni umane. XX Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Ecologia "Le Scienze Ecologiche Oggi", Sapienza Università di Roma, Aula Magna, Roma, 27-30 settembre 2010.
Batini C, Lopes J, Calafell F, Quintana-Murci L, van der Veen L, Jorde L, Spedini L, Behar D, Capelli D, Comas D & *Destro-Bisol G. Ancient and recent events in Pygmy demographic history: insights from uniparental markers. Scientific Meeting of the Istituto Italiano di Antropologia "African Pygmies, origins, biology and culture". Roma 28 maggio 2010.
Anagnostou P, Pettener D., Capelli C, *Destro-Bisol G & Luiselli D. A genetic view of the Neolithic transition in Greece. XVIII Congresso degli Antropologi Italiani, Firenze, 1-4 Ottobre 2009.
Anagnostou P, Pettener D, Capelli C, *Destro-Bisol G & Luiselli D. The early Neolithic peopling of Greece from the Near East: a genetic vontribution. Society for the Study of Human Biology, 51st Symposium and Proffered Papers Meeting: Human dispersals, Monteporzio Catone (Roma), 18-20 giugno 2009
Batini C, Lopes J, Calafell F, Quintana-Murci L, van der Veen L, Jorde L, Bertranpetit J, *Spedini G, *Behar D., *Destro-Bisol G., Comas D. Insights into Pygmy demographic history from complete mitochondrial genomes. XI Congresso Federazione delle Scienze della Vita, Desenzano sul Garda, 23-25 Settembre 2009.
Batini C, Ferri G., Luiselli D, Brisighelli F, Sanchez-Diz P, Rocha J, Jorde L, Brehm A, Montano V, *Spedini G, D'amato ME, Myres N, Ebbesen P, *Destro-Bisol G, Comas D, Capelli C. Early Y chromosome clades in African populations. XVIII Congresso degli Antropologi Italiani, Firenze, 1-4 Ottobre 2009.
Battaggia C, Boschi I, Trombetta F, Parisi P, Salis F, Rufo F, Castrì L, Crivellaro F & *Destro-Bisol G. mtDNA Variation In Two Linguistic Minorities From Italian Oriental Alps (Sauris And Sappada) Society for the Study of Human Biology, 51st Symposium and Proffered Papers Meeting ?Human dispersals?, Monteporzio Catone (Roma) , 18-20 giugno 2009.
Coia V, Carpinelli A, Pedrotti A, Schilling AM, Battaggia C, Capelli C, Rufo F, Crivellaro F, Trombetta F, Salis F, Busby G. Boschi I., Baldassarri L., Parisi P., Grimaldi S., Damiani V., *Destro-Bisol G., mtDNA and Y-chromosome Variation in Populations from Italian Oriental Alps. XVIII Congresso degli Antropologi Italiani, Firenze, 1-4 Ottobre 2009.
Coia V, Grimaldi S, Boschi I, Salis F, Trombetta F, *Destro-Bisol G, Pedrotti A. Mitochondrial variation pattern in Trentino (BIOSTRE project). XI Congresso Federazione delle Scienze della Vita, Desenzano sul Garda, 23-25 Settembre 2009.
Coia V, Grimaldi S, Boschi I, Salis F, Trombetta F, *Destro-Bisol G, Pedrotti A. BIOSTRE project: mitochondrial variation of alpine populations from Trentino. Society for the Study of Human Biology, 51st Symposium and Proffered Papers Meeting: Human dispersals, Monteporzio Catone (Roma), 18-20 giugno 2009.
*Destro-Bisol G & Ariano C. Advantages of using a modified apparatus for agarose slab gel electrophoresis of nucleic acids. Alghero, 2-5 ottobre 2008.
*Destro Bisol G, Battaglia C, Bertoncini S, Bottini A, Caciagli L, Calò CM, Capelli C, Castrì L, Ciani G, Coia V, Corrias L , Ghiani ME, Luiselli L, Mela C, Melis A, Paoli G, Sanna E, Spazzini M, Taglioli L, Tofanelli S, Useli A, Vona G. & Pettener D. Italian isolates today: geographic and linguistic factors shaping human biodiversity. 4th International Meeting on Genetics of Complex disease and Isolated Populations. Trieste 20-23 giugno 2009.
*Destro Bisol G, Battaglia C, Bertoncini S, Bottini A, Caciagli L. Calò CM, Capelli C., Castrì L., Ciani G., Coia V., Corrias L., , Ghiani ME, Luiselli L, Mela C, Melis A, Paoli G., Sanna E, Spazzini M, Taglioli L, Tofanelli S, Useli A, Vona G & Pettener D. Italian isolates today: geographic and linguistic factors shaping human biodiversity. Society for the Study of Human Biology, 51st Symposium and Proffered Papers Meeting "Human dispersals", Monteporzio Catone (Roma) , 18-20 giugno 2009.
Batini C, Calafell F, Quintana-Murci L, van der Veen L, Jorde L, Bertanpetit J, Spedini G, *Destro-Bisol G, Behar G, Comas G. Complete mitochondrial genome variation in African Pygmies: a population-based approach. Annual Meeting of the Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE 2008), Barcelona 5-8 giugno 2008.
Brisighelli F, Coia V, Boschi I, Battaggia C, Batini C, Montano V, Anagnostou P, *Spedini G & *Destro-Bisol G. A multi-perspective view of genetic variation in Cameroon (poster). 2008. III Congresso della Societ? Italiana di Biologia Evoluzionistica. Alghero, 2-5 ottobre 2008.
*Bruner E. 2008. Biomedical imaging, geometric models, and multivariate statistics: basic tools for paleoneurology**. 1st INCF Congress of Neuroinformatics: Databasing and Modeling the Brain; Stockholm, September 7-9, 2008.
Coia V, Grimaldi S, *Destro Bisol G & Pedrotti A. Biodiversity and History of populations from Trentino. III Congresso della Societa' Italiana di Biologia Evoluzionistica. Alghero, 2-5 ottobre 2008.** 2008. III Congresso della Società Italiana di Biologia Evoluzionistica. Alghero, 2-5 ottobre 2008.
*Capocasa M, *Destro-Bisol G, Lapucci E, *Montano V, *Rufo F, *Spedini G & Tiziani M. Conoscenza e percezione della diversita' biologica e culturale tra gli studenti delle scuole medie superiori di Roma.
Fuselli S, de Filippo C, Mona S, Sistonen J., *Destro-Bisol G, Barbujani G, Sajantila A. Evolution of Detoxifying Systems: the Role of Environment and Population History in Shaping Genetic Diversity at Human CYP2D6 Locus. Annual Meeting of the Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE 2008), Barcelona 5-8 giugno 2008.
Montano V, Marcari V, Anayale O, Comas D, *Destro-Bisol G. Variabilità del cromosoma Y in popolazioni di lingua Bantu della Valle del fiume Benue (Nigeria). Alghero, 2-5 ottobre 2008.
Anagnostou P, Fabbri C, Battaggia C, Coia V, Pettener D, Coelho M, Rocha J, *Destro-Bisol G e LuiselliD. Analisi della variabilita' del locus -13910 associato alla tolleranza al lattosio in Europa meridionale. Comunicazione orale. XVII Congresso degli Antropologi Italiani, Cagliari 26-29 settembre 2007.
Batini C, Berniell-Lee G, Donati F, *Spedini G, Capelli C, Comas D, *Destro-Bisol G. Filogeografia dell'aplogruppo B del cromosoma Y in Africa Centrale attraverso uno studio ad alta risoluzione della variabilita' microsatellite. Poster. XVII Congresso degli Antropologi Italiani, Cagliari 26-29 settembre 2007.
*Batini C, Boschi I,*Gippoliti S, Colangelo P. 2007. Nigerian chimpanzee conservation: a possible application of DNA barcoding. EMBO workshop "Molecular biodiversity and DNA Barcode", 17-19 May 2007, Rome, Abstract book, 46.
*Bruner E, Civitelli C, *Gippoliti S. 2007. Cranial shape variation, taxonomy, and museology: a preliminary report on the genus Papio. XVIII Congresso API, Pisa
*Destro-Bisol G. 2007. Presentazione del Volume "Le Collezioni Primatologiche Italiane (E. Bruner & S. Gippoliti eds.). Comunicazione orale. XVII Congresso degli Antropologi Italiani, Cagliari 26-29 settembre 2007.
*Gippoliti S. 2007. An overview of Theropithecus taxonomy and distribution. XVIII Congresso API, Pisa.
*Gippoliti S,*Bruner E. 2007. Italian primatological collections: the role of bibliographical and historical research. XVIII Congresso API, Pisa.
*Gippoliti S. & Violani C. 2007. Collezioni animali viventi e collezioni museali in Italia: un'opportunità persa? XVII Convegno ANMS (Associazione Nazionale Musei Scientifici Italiani), 4 - 7 dicembre 2007, Verona.
*Gippoliti S. 2007. Da Antinori a Zavattari: uno sguardo alle collezioni primatologiche italiane e al loro ruolo per la conservazione della biodiversità. XVII Convegno ANMS (Associazione Nazionale Musei Scientifici Italiani), 4 - 7 dicembre 2007, Verona
Montano V., *Battaggia C., Rocha J., Spedini G. & *Destro-Bisol G. 2006. La storia evolutiva dell'emoglobina S in africa sub-sahariana: ipotesi sull'origine e la diffusione. II Congresso dei Biologi Evoluzionisti Italiani, Firenze 4-67 settembre 2006.
Anagnostou P., *Battaggia C., Coia V., Rocha J., Luiselli D., Fabbri C., Spedini G. and *Destro-Bisol G. Distribuzione della persistenza della lattasi in Italia e in Grecia: confronto tra i test fisiologici e i test genetici. II Congresso dei Biologi Evoluzionisti Italiani, Firenze 4-67 settembre 2006.
Batini C, Calafell F, Quintana-Murci L, Coiav, Heyer E, Froment A, Van Der Veen L, Bertranpetit J, *Spedini G, *Destro-Bisol G and Comas D. A population-based approach to the study of variation of complete mitochondrial genomes: a study of African Pygmies. 15th Congress of the European Anthropological Association, Budapest, Hungary, 31 August - 3 September, 2006.
Battaggia C, Anagnostou P, Coia V, Rocha J, Coelho M, Luiselli D, Fabbri C, *Spedini G and *Destro-Bisol G. Distribution of lactase persistence in Italy and Greece: A comparison between results from physiologic and genetic studies. 15th Congress of the European Anthropological Association, Budapest, Hungary, 31 August - 3 September, 2006.
Coia V, Brisighelli F, Boschi I, Donati F, Batini C, Battaggia C, *Spedini G & *Destro-Bisol G. A study of autosomal microsatellite variation in Cameroon and a comparison with other genetic markers. A comparison between results from physiologic and genetic studies. 15th Congress of the European Anthropological Association, Budapest, Hungary, 31 August - 3 September, 200
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